Sunday, January 18, 2015

Crazy West Coast Adventure 2

I know this won't be much of a surprise to anyone...
We love this area of the country and are excited to be returning soon. 
Steve has accepted a good strong contract that will take us back out to Nevada...
To gaze at rivers, mountains, and clear blue skies,
to breathe clean dry air, and see lots of wildlife,
We hope to visit ski resorts, state and national parks, 
And venture back into California, maybe even Oregon and Utah, too!
Nevada is a vast wide open desert and we only scratched the surface sightseeing last year.
While we originally planned for an East Coast Adventure in 2015, 
It's just not going to work out for us right now. 
God has other plans for us and while we have been somewhat disappointed,
We trust God's direction always.
Once we are settled back in Nevada, I'll blog about how this assignment came to be
so we will be able to remember always how God is continually working things out for us...
 guiding us and directing us.
We will be leaving a big chunk of our heart here in Texas but we plan to return in 9 months to spend the holidays with our family and re evaluate our future travel career. 
We are excited to experience many more adventures as we travel 
throughout the wide open roads onto more amazing west coast destinations in 2015.

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