Tuesday, January 6, 2015


This travel life is grand but sometimes we are disappointed. 
Just like any life, it's full of ups and downs. 
My blog is full of days and days of our "up" moments but we experience many "down" days too.
Looking back we were disappointed right off the start.
We planned for an assignment in Santa Fe, NM but it cancelled.
We somehow landed in Roswell, NM instead.
It was weird but we made some great memories and completed our first travel contract together.
We wanted to go to Denver, CO last summer, but that fell through and 
We ended up in the vast desert of Nevada and it was a really good assignment for us.
Today we are nearing the end of another assignment in the Houston area.
It has been wonderful to spend the holidays near our family and friends.
But today we know we are moving on...
We have been disappointment in our stay here and it can't continue.
We also had a list of things we had to get done and most were completed.
Of course not all in the way we planned.
We even contemplated purchasing a home and settling back down in Texas permanently.
But we didn't...
We go back and forth on the romantic notion of RV living.
But we are not...
At least not today.
Financially neither one of these are good choices for us right now.
After much research we have made the decision to continue traveling in the same manner 
as we have all along by accepting the corporate furnished housing.
While we don't bank the housing stipend and make a bunch of $$, we live safe and comfortable.
Experiencing grand adventures by day and sleeping in a luxury apt by night.
We are able to find our balance somewhere between splurging and saving.
It's not always all about the $$ for us.
Corporate Furnished Housing is our splurge... and my security blanket right now.
We have weighed a lot of options and determined that this is the best choice for us this year.
It provides a good life for us and not something we are willing to compromise on today.
Maybe someday we will be more adventurous in this area.
But right now, this choice of home is best for our family.
We don't know what the future will be but we trust our father in Heaven does.
We know he holds us and this crazy travel life in the palm of his hand.
We know this life is temporary and only Heaven is forever.
In our moment of disappointment... this is our peace as we continue on our adventure.


  1. As you know, we just sold our RV. Think of it this way.........That RV cost us $22,900. If we traveled for five years and paid it off, it would cost us 381 per month plus rv park rent (550-700) to live per month. We are renting a decent apartment for 850/month. So it's not a financial gain, just a big, heavy, pain in the butt to tow rig. Not to mention maintenance, etc. Then if you don't pay cash, you have interest getting in the way. I could go on and on. BTW, just found your blog, fun to read other travel nursing blogs. Wish you guys well.

    1. Thanks so much for responding! This reaffirms our decision. While we desire the romantic notion of rv living, it just isn't feasible for us right now, financially or otherwise. Steve is committed to a 48 hour work week in this contract, so when he's off, he needs complete rest and relaxation. Not dealing with rv issues. I did secure our apt housing this time and we were able to accept the housing stipend so that made a big difference in the take home pay for this assignment. We're still learning about this travel nursing gig and enjoy reading your blog too!
